Delicious cocktails, roaring parties, groovy concerts mixed with a dash of culture.... that's how you know the BD CLUB. But hardly anyone knows what exactly is behind the BD. The club team is essentially a hodgepodge of different people, mainly students, the whole range of "finished" students like engineers or even doctors and also quite normal people who have saved themselves a study. With so many different tastes, the decision is often not easy, so we have not yet decided on a musical genre, but rather roam the entire range on our club evenings on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We set highlights with various specials, which have already established themselves over time. These include our cocktail evening (every 3rd Tuesday of the month), but also international parties, cabaret evenings, Halloween, various theme evenings, where we spare no effort to project the respective flair onto the club premises and so on. Would you like to join in or have your own party at the BD CLUB? Then come along!

Club meeting every
Monday, 20:00
Opening hours:
21:00 - 02:00
21:00 - 02:00
Bierpong Turnier

Bierpong Turnier

Open Doors 19:00
red.: 0,50€
full: 1,00€

Ihr glaubt, ihr seid unbesiegbar im Bierpong, weil ihr das seit Jahren auf Partys spielt? Dann stellt euer Können mit eurem besten und trinkfestesten Freund/Freundin unter Beweis und tretet an diesem Abend gegen andere Teams an. Habt Spaß und vergesst nicht, der Ball muss in die Becher ;)
An diesem Abend dürfen alle vorbeikommen, die 16 Jahre oder älter sind.
Die Veranstaltung endet spätestens 24 Uhr. Gäste unter 18 erhalten ausschließlich alkoholfreie Getränke, Bier und Snacks.
Teams unter 18 dürfen am Turnier nur mit Radler/Mischbier oder alkoholfreiem Bier teilnehmen.

You think you're undefeatable in beer pong because you've been playing it at parties for years? Then put your skills to the test with your best and most hard-drinking friend and compete against other teams this evening. Have fun and don't forget, the ball has to go into the cups ;)
This evening, everyone of age 16 and older may join the event.
Closing time is no later than 12 am. Guests under 18 may only buy alcohol free drinks, beer, and snacks.
Teams under 18 may only play in the tournament with Radler/mix beer or alcohol free beer.



Open Doors 22:00
red.: 1,00€
full: 2,00€

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